Saturday, June 18, 2011

Couture Rant

Alrighty ladies and gents...mostly ladies. Here's my beef for the week.
I don't like it. The idea of some couture outfits are cute, some clever, but mostly the textures and patterns are too jerky, and don't soothe my aesthetic. I DON'T like couture.

This brings me to my next point. I kept seeing Mimikri stuff on marketplace, so I went in world. Which I'm glad. It's couture, but nothing over the top, suitable for every day wear. It wasn't my style, and as much as I liked the designs, the textures just were a miss for me.

This dress is from Mimikri, and was probably the only thing there that I could see myself wearing. So, why the hell not. Right? It's cute, but the put-together didn't feel right. The piece on the torso is connected to the skirt, like a tube. The dress isn't mod, and it's resize scripted. You can't position the individual prims, and I don't like relying on a script to position prim by prim.

Also, if you're hippy(wide in the hips, not like "peace, mannn") like I am, you will stick out of it. The top piece doesn't flatten down, so you may have a bit of the sculpt stick out at the top. I'd enjoy this dress a lot more if I could mod the prims myself.

Either way, there's some over-the-top couture stuff, and things that are a little more tame for every-day wear. Just because it's not my style, doesn't mean it can't be yours. Also...

This is what's going on under the dress, to look pretty. YIKES!

Hair: LeLutka - Watson - Idontbleach :
Dress/Panties: Mimikri - Lolita/Leo :

Skin: The Body Co. - Lavender - Light :

Blush: aLapiTa - Tattoo Layer Blush (soft pink) : Marketplace

Nails: *X*plosion - B.A.N. Gallant Black - Marketplace
Shoes: Kookie - Yannis - Coal -

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